Sunday, May 5, 2013

I thought I might start a blog to record my progress, as frustrating and full filling as it may be, as I embark on my first serious attempt to train a service dog.
To start with let me tell you about Athina. Athina was born on march 1st and is a harlequin Great Dane female out of a litter that I bred myself. I have been the proud owner of Great Danes for over 25 years and I have been active in breeding them for over ten years. They truly are the gentle giants! Athina is very intelligent, therefore the name, Goddess of Wisdom. She very quickly picked up that if she came when called and sat at our feet, she would get a treat. Also that she doesn't enter or exit a door in front of her handler.
        Our situation is a little different from most. Two years ago my husband became ill and after sometime finally diagnose with chronic hepatitis c. After going through 36 weeks of treatment, he relapsed. He suffers for a great deal of roving body pain, fibro myalga, poly arthralgias, chronic fatigue and confusion due to the pain meds. We are not certain what types of disabilities he will need assistance with as he gets older so we will have to play it by ear and train for specific needs as they arise. I hope I am up for it. And worthy of Athina's love, affection, and devotion.
       Our first real test was trip to Walmart yesterday, It was kind of sensory overload. We live in the country, with very little traffic. Once inside she took some coaxing, to walk beside the cart, but very important part of training. Finally just as we were leaving, just as we approached the door, she pot tied on the floor!
       Today, my grandson and I took her to an outdoor event in the near by town of Mount Veron, Iowa where they had artists working on drawing in chalk on the closed off street. Athina loved it! Everyone was curious about the cone on her head from the ear crop, And thought she was doing so well! No jumping on people, no trying to snatch food, mainly if approached she would sit or lay at my feet and soak up the affection.
      I am truly enjoying the time spent with Athina and look forward to our next outing.